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How It Works

Marker based AR

LibAR Illustrations-01_edited_edited.jpg

Scan the target image with LiberateAR app scanner button

Experience Marker based Augmented Reality.
Interact with the appeared content and even click/videos to share on social media.

LibAR Illustrations-02_edited.jpg
LibAR Illustrations-03_edited.jpg

To Switch to ground plane, place your AR content appeared on the target image to the ground or surface by tapping on the plane button

Marker-less AR

Untitled design (3).png

Open LiberateAR Application from Menu

Choose the 3D model from LiberateAR app gallery

scrsht2 (2).png
screenshot-59 fps-1639819702141_edited_edited.jpg

Scan the floor and see the magic.
Make sure the area is well lit.

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